We are all aware just how important electricians and plumbers are when the lights go out or a pipe springs a leak! The Construction trade services workforce are the unsung heroes that keep homes and businesses up and running with vital systems essential to everyday existence!Climate issues and the growth of the use of the internet have reinforced our awareness of just how important and critical energy supply and maintenance is to our future survival. So it's good news to hear that recognition of the key role that electricians and plumbers play is being highlighted by parents encouraging their children to pursue careers in both industries.In a recent survey, the Electrical Contractors Association (ECA) discovered that one in five parents (20%) are advising their children to train as an electrician or plumber, on the same level as advising careers in engineering and accountancy.Although the majority of parents want their children to become doctors (36%) or lawyers (30%) - increasing significantly in the 45-49 age group, to over a quarter of parents (25%) - many recognise that qualifying as a highly skilled electrician provides just as important a service and commands equal respect and salary. In fact, significantly more parents would advise their children to become electricians rather than teachers, vets, estate agents and even pilots! The least favoured careers in the survey were Singer (1%), Estate Agent (3%), and Hairdresser (3%).When we recognise the important influence that skilled tradespersons, like electricians, have on the way in which we live because of the advances in energy technology in our homes and buildings we realise that it's not just about important domestic jobs such as rewiring a house. Electricians are also now expected to perform critical roles in the installation of latest green energy technology such as PV Solar panels.Entry level electrician training begins on an approved and accredited City & Guild Electrical NVQ 2330 level 2 Course progressing onto NVQ 2356 Level 3 - although both electrical learning courses can be taken together and undertaken on consecutive weekend courses.