Why these Plumbing students will return to Able Skills!

We are a training centre that provides top-quality comprehensive training on a variety of subjects, one of the most popular trades that we provide is plumbing. This is for a few different reasons, namely the attractive nature of self-employment is something that entices people to this particular trade at most plumbers seem to go down the route of becoming their own boss and so on. Today we will be talking about the reasons why we anticipate that most of our aspiring plumbers will return for further training...

Now...Let's get into the reasons why a plumbing student may return back to our training centre. The obvious answer is to expand their skills, however, there are more in-depth reasons why students return. For example, if you would like to be able to work in both a domestic and commercial setting as a plumber then it is a good idea to pick up as many specialist skills as you can, say taking our Energy Efficiency Course. Clearly the more skills you have equates to a more diverse range of roles and opportunities for you.

However, the absolute number one reason that we see plumbers return to our centre is to pick up an entirely new skill...Any guesses? Gas...That's right, having the ability to carry out plumbing and gas work makes you more attractive as a trader in every way and will overall improve your earnings, reputation and jobs as a whole. It's worth mentioning that if you do want to come back to train as a Plumbing and Heating Engineer, then you may want to consider the Qualified Plumber Gas Training Course. Reason being... you immediately become eligible for the 5-week course rather than the 7-week course. Why? Because you will already have the required Plumbing Skills needed to become a successful Gas Engineer (Meaning the two trades involve similar skills such as pipe-work for example). The two trades go hand-in-hand, both involving a lot of the same tools, skills, theory, appliances and much more. It is a typical route for plumbers to take so we devised this Qualified Plumber Gas Training Course. Which includes everything you need to become a Gas Engineer; 5-weeks of intense hands-on training, portfolio completion and an ACS assesment. The only thing that is not included is; registration to the Gas Safe Register, which by law is needed for anyone to be able to carry out Gas work legally in the UK!

How do I become Gas Safe Registered?

It is much easier than you think and can be done online for an application fee of £365 which will save you a pretty penny if caught carrying out illegal gas work! To apply you will need to have completed a recognised competency test either an NVQ or an ACS!

An ACS  assessment will need to be completed before you are eligible for Gas Safe registration and this is a requirement for all operatives involved in the installation, maintenance and servicing of domestic gas appliances and pipe-work installations. Also, every Gas Safe registered business renews their registration on an annual basis and updates their qualifications every 5 years, meaning you will need to refresh your memory on gas safety every 5-years!

Apply Here: www.gassaferegister.co.uk

Need more?

If you are in need of some more information about our range of plumbing courses, then do not wait any longer and give us a call on 01322 280 202 - We are here to help, open all week including the weekend between the hours of 8:30 -16:30. Alternatively, if you would prefer to talk to a member of staff in person, then feel free to come into our office, we are open all week Monday - Sunday all year round!

Find us at: 

K5, Riverside Industrial Estate, Riverside Way, Dartford DA1 5BS

Gas courses

Able Skills Gas Training Courses are Bpec Accredited.


Looking to get involved with one of these Gas courses or any of the training that we offer, but you live a considerable distance from our centre? Not to worry! We have accommodation available for a short walk from our facility for just £20 per night! For more information about this, availability and so on, just give us a call on 01322 280 202 - We are here to help!

Gas courses

Able Skills Accommodation.