Hello sparks, plumbers, builders, plasterers and all-round handy people. If getting hands on and making something neat is right up your street, you’re going to really enjoy this week’s selection of DIY hacks. From the practical to the fanciful, this week we’ll be showing you how to create:

  • Bird feeders
  • Calabash lamps
  • Infinity mirrors

1. Turn a mason jar & some old logs into a bird feeder

It’s pretty chilly out there this January, which means that our feathered friends aren’t finding as many tasty worms and seeds as they’d like. To keep your garden happy and healthy – and to attract more wildlife to your outdoor areas – this nice, easy birdfeeder project is the perfect way to while away an hour or two over the weekend. Nothing too taxing, but a pleasantly chilled out project for a lazy Sunday nevertheless.

2. Make a calabash into a crazy modern lamp

Have you ever seen a calabash before? If not, you’re in for a treat. These weird fruits come from the calabash tree and take the form of large, irregularly shaped gourds. This amazing instructable turns the humble calabash into wild and wonderful lighting, perfect for a child’s bedroom or a quirky living room. Here’s how to make your very own. You may have to search online or ask at your local greengrocer to find out where to get your hands on one, though! Can you think of a suitable alternative?

3. Create your very own infinity mirror

This project suggests that you use an IKEA mirror but, really, any appropriately shaped mirror can be transformed into a mind-bending LED infinity mirror using this awesome instructable. If you prefer your morning shave with a bit of a space age twist, or just like bright, bold,modern design, this is a really fun project which utilizes a lot of handy skills and a little bit of electrical know how.

What was your latest project? Have you created anything really cool of your own lately? Which DIY hacks have you come across which you’re planning on giving a whirl? Share your cool stuff with our makers and doers below.