More and more, there are reports of illegal gas work being undertaken in domestic properties across the UK. Unqualified gas engineers who haven’t undertaken any training at all simply put people’s lives at risk and the penalties for such dangerous undertakings are on the rise.

The disregard for the rules imposed by Gas Safe Register has a consequence of heavy fines and even jail sentences. Illegal gas installations can cause fires, explosions and carbon monoxide poisoning in unsuspecting people’s homes.

In a recent report, a man was arrested for carrying out illegal and dangerous gas work within a home in Doncaster; his grandson who undertook gas work with him, has also been handed a heavy fine for also carrying out this work.

These individuals had not renewed their expired gas qualifications so they knew they were carrying out this work illegally. They are now both paying the price for doing this work; this is another instance which should help to make people more aware of the illegal gas engineers that are out there.

If you do not want to fall foul of unqualified Gas Engineers then make sure you check their credentials; you can do this simply by looking at their gas cards but equally, you can check them out directly with Gas Safe.

If you are looking to work within the gas industry and would like to become a qualified, registered Gas Safe Engineer, you need to make sure you do your research thoroughly. Upon choosing a training provider, ensure that they as a training facility are Gas Safe registered. Look at who their certificating body is, visit the training facility to look around, chat with the gas training staff and make sure you are fully aware of the procedures that are mandatory to become a quality, safe Gas Engineer.

If you get the training wrong, you could be putting yourself at risk of prosecution and carry out wrongful gas work which could potentially put home owners at risk.

Able Skills have a range of gas packages that will enable you to get the correct qualifications and become a Gas Safe registered Engineer. We will make sure that you come away from our training centre with all of the correct qualifications and the expert knowledge you need to have to carry out gas work successfully and safely.


Here is Able Skills employee, Phil, in our Gas Centre.

We have been providing gas courses for 14 years so you can be certain that with us, you are getting the correct training and relevant qualifications to be a Gas Safe registered Engineer. With plenty of option for both weekday and weekend training, you will always find the right course for you.

Please contact us for more information on: 01322 280202