Technicians who have completed plumbing courses could see an increase in the number of residential contracts on offer after a statement by the National Association of Estate Agents (NAEA).

The organisation pointed out that replacing a boiler can reduce carbon emissions and lead to lower energy bills for homeowners.

It went on to note that grants are available in some cases, which could inspire more people to contact an engineer with plumbing course training to fit a modern device.

Peter Bolton King, chief executive of the NAEA, described how the number of funding choices on offer when purchasing a new boiler makes the improvement more affordable.

"It is important that homeowners are aware of the options available to them when looking to make carbon efficiencies to their property," he added.

The Energy Saving Trust claims about 60 per cent of domestic energy bills come from boiler use, which is why an energy-efficient device can make such a difference.

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