Workers who have taken electrician training courses and have qualifications to install solar-powered devices could make a big difference to the renewable energy sector, the Iowa Office of Energy Independence has suggested.

The body's renewable energy planner Greg Watkins told Gazette Online that it is important those who are specifically trained in the installation of such appliances implement the upgrades.

He stated that legislation in Iowa means that any plumber or electrician can fit solar thermal or hot water systems, which is having an effect on the quality of the products.

"A lot of people who aren't certified are installing systems," he said.

"The work isn't up to par. It does the whole renewable energy industry a disservice."

In Britain, it could be that workers who are interested doing more green jobs might want to look into going on an approved training course, which may lead to installations of this kind being of a higher standard.

A spokesperson for British Eco Energy recently explained that solar hot water and photovoltaic systems are "the definitive forms of improving energy efficiency."

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