A sustainability expert has suggested that environmentally-friendly items are currently restricted to those who can afford them, which could mean there are plenty more people who may need the services of plumbing courses attendees.

BritishEco founder Andrew Moore explained how there has been a lot of talk about loan schemes and a green bank, but these have not yet launched.

In his opinion, it is only better-off people who can afford to buy many energy-saving technologies and hire a professional who has completed training - such as plumbing courses - to install them.

He said: "If you've not got the money to do it and you need to borrow the money, it makes it very difficult for people who want to invest in renewables."

These remarks were made in response to a report by Rias, which showed that acting in a sustainable way is more important now to 55 per cent of over-50s than it was 30 years ago.

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