More tradesmen could soon be tempted to undertake PV training in response to the rising number of consumers hiring technicians to install solar panels.

According to statistics released by the Department for Energy and Climate Change last week, a record 11,314 people fitted such microgenerators to their properties in the first three months of the year.

The past three months saw the first full year of the feed-in tariff (Fit) end by nearly tripling the amount of solar panel energy capacity in operation in the country.

Engineers who have completed PV training helped to build this figure up to 77.8 MW, with the number of systems involved in the Fit scheme reaching 28,505.

The initiative allows users to earn cash back from their initial investment.

This week, the Worcester News reported that the St Michaels and All Angels church in Ledbury is set to install 50 solar panels on its roof.

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