The benefits of using LED lights have been lauded by one industry expert, suggesting tradesmen with electrical course qualifications may see more of them in the future.

Ashley Smith, marketing manager of consumer lighting at Phillips, explained that such lighting is benefiting consumers as new shapes are being developed to suit different styles of rooms.

As a result, engineers who have taken electrical courses are likely to see the items if they are involved in fitting a modern residential or commercial area.

The sector expert said: "LEDs allow a designer to be more creative, as they're much smaller. The fittings tend to be smaller and more discreet and it gives you more flexibility as well."

Three factors were identified as having helped the popularity of this type of lighting: energy efficiency, longevity and the fact they are cool to the touch.

Another innovation that is appearing more often is integrated screens in kitchens and bathrooms, according to Videotree.

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