Individuals starting off in their careers and taking electrical courses for the first time need more support than more experienced workers, it has been stated.

Kevin Friery, clinical director at Right Corecare, said the conundrum lies in the fact that younger workers are less likely to come forward to ask for help.

Therefore, it is important for businesses to be proactive in ensuring levels of support are adequate for all their younger staff.

He commented: "They are still at the beginning of their experience of being an employee. They need more support at that time. They'll ask for it less often, but they need it more."

According to the GfK NOP International Employee Engagement Survey 2011, 40 per cent of 18 to 29-year-olds feel frequently or always stressed at work.

This is in contrast to the nation's oldest workers, with just 24 per cent of over-60s reporting frequently or always feeling stressed.

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