Intensive plumbing courses will not turn you into a qualified plumber but they will suit people who want to improve their knowledge of pipe work.

Many private training providers and further education colleges offer five day plumbing courses which give people the opportunity to gain a bit of background knowledge in order to undertake simple plumbing tasks at home.

Such short courses may encourage people to take a qualification in the future but training to be a plumber can take years because of the necessity of workplace assessment.

While intensive plumbing courses will not turn people into a plumber, they will learn how to work with kitchen and bathroom features and also gain the knowledge to deal with emergency plumbing problems.

After completing a short intensive course, potential plumbers may want to enrol on advanced courses as a precursor to taking accredited City & Guilds and NVQ qualifications in plumbing and even gas.

As plumbing and gas systems are often linked, trainees may want to investigate domestic and commercial courses that will enable them to be Gas Safe registered, which is a prerequisite to working as an engineer.