PAT Testing Electrician courses available now!


At Able Skills we have been back since the end of August providing high-quality electrical training courses with social distancing measures in place . We will be continuing to offer electrician courses and other training throughout the latest lockdown period that came into effect on the 5th of November as a place of education we are allowed to remain open for business. In need of PAT Testing training? Here at our facility we teach a 2-day Portable Appliance Testing course that will get you up to speed with the processes. The Portable Appliance Testing scheme is designed to ensure that those responsible for the maintenance and/or practical inspection and testing of electrical equipment are familiar with the use of the IET Code of Practice for In-Service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment. We currently have spaces on this course starting on the 26th of this month and the 3rd December! 


Electrician courses

PAT Testing Electrician courses available now!


How will I learn?


The PAT testing course will be taught over 2-days and will involve mostly classroom-based theory lessons as well as some practical aspects. The Portable Appliance Course will cover electrical safety regulations, role and responsibilities, insulation and earthing, classification of appliances, preliminary inspection, test precautions, appliance testing using a portable tester, essential and optional tests, labelling tests, reporting and recording results and implementing a test programme. Portable appliance testing should be carried out by businesses on a regular basis, for IT tests should be carried out every 4-years. Handheld and more frequently used and transported equipment should be tested every 12-months due to the increased risk of damage. You will leave this course feeling confident in your ability to carry out this type of testing competently.


How do I get started?


As we said we currently have spaces available on our course starting at the end of this month on the 26th and starting on the 3rd of December! To secure your place on either of these dates you can contact us on 01322 280 202 - Over the phone we can provide guidance, answer questions and process your booking. You are also welcome to visit our training centre in person, we just ask that you are considerate of social distancing guidelines and wear a face covering, whilst at the centre we can explain how electrician courses work in more detail and even show you around. Finally, you can apply onto many of our electrical training options online. Simply, take a look through our range of courses, on each course page there is a button marked 'Reserve your Space' from there you can select a date that suits you and confirm your details. Take a look below at the online booking form for this PAT testing course...



For more information:


If you would like to learn more about our range of Electrical courses give us a call on 01322 280 202 - Over the phone we are happy to answer any questions, provide advice and secure your place on a desired training option. You are also completely welcome to visit our training centre in person, visiting our office in person means that we can discuss your options and explain how courses work in more detail and even take you on a guided tour around our centre so that you can see for yourself the great work that we do here and gain a sense of what to expect. Our office is open 7-days-a-week between the hours of 8:30 - 16:30!


Where are we?


Electrician course

We offer industry-recognised qualification from the awarding body City & Guilds.