After being hit by an onslaught of floods, storms and cold weather, homeowners across the country are being reminded to make sure their properties are in good order, potential creating extra plumbing work in the process.

Danny Davis, operations manager at the Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE), told homeowners that “prevention is always the best course of action”, rather than grappling with burst pipes and more dramatic problems as they spring up.

Winter often brings a surge in plumbing jobs with burst pipes a common risk in the changing temperatures. But if homeowners follow the advice of Davis and others, plumbers could find themselves with more work to help people protect their homes before a problems occur.

The condensate pipe, which runs from the boiler to a drain, is one of the most common areas to check on in advance of cold weather. If this pipe freezes – usually due to a lack of insulation – it can stop the boiler working.

Davis added: “Householders usually insulate the pipes in the loft, but forget about the condensate pipe. If you live in a property and your condensate pipe has frozen in previous years and no further action other than defrosting has been taken, now is the best time to either insulate, or possibly look at having the pipe relocated internally if possible.”

He also advised bleeding radiators and checking the pressure in the system ahead of a cold snap.