Plumbing courses will be offered to certain youngsters in Scotland, as part of a revised curriculum in the country.

BBC Scotland's Seonag MacKinnon claimed that there will be more emphasis on youngster's learning practical skills and allowing teachers more freedom in the way that they carry out their lessons.

For one school, Peebles High, this dedication to teaching kids useful techniques has led to pupils being offered the chance to attend plumbing courses during their education there.

"Children will be more than armchair generals when they leave school - they will be able to take something on paper and make it happen in the real world," explained Mr MacKinnon regarding the aims of these changes.

Other changes to the country's education system include the decision to scrap Labour's primary curriculum and academy diplomas.

Education Secretary Michael Gove also revealed that schools will be able to offer international GCSEs in core subjects from September onwards.

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