October 2010

41 Items
  1. PV Solar Panels Heat Up The White House

    PV Solar Panels Heat Up The White House

    Hot on the heels, as it were, of recent news that the Prince of Wales has installed 32 solar photovoltaic panels on the roof of his London residence, Clarence House, comes the announcement from the Obama administration that the White House will be installing a mix of solar thermal and photovoltaic panels, spring 2011, which […]

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  2. Will coalfields regeneration projects increase electrical course attendance?

    Will coalfields regeneration projects increase electrical course attendance?

    More former miners could be inspired to go on electrical courses after the government announced plans for improving its coalfields regeneration programme. Over the past 13 years, schemes have been taking place in former mining communities to create employment opportunities for those who lost their jobs when the pits closed in the 1980s. However, a […]

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  3. Get Able Skills With Green Plumber Training!

    Get Able Skills With Green Plumber Training!

    According to a recent City and Guilds survey, over 80 per cent of plumbers were found to be financially better off, even during the recession, than they were during the same period in the previous year!Even though every year there will always be many existing plumbers and other trades personnel retiring earlier than normal, which […]

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  4. Promoting Green Jobs Conference Highlights Skills Demand

    Promoting Green Jobs Conference Highlights Skills Demand

    The increasing demand for qualified skills in key green energy technology is once again in the news. At a major European Union ‘Promoting Green Jobs’ conference held in Brussels it was highlighted that increasingly, women are being called upon to train to fill the skills gap.It was also stated that the ‘future of green innovation’ […]

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  5. More women could take electrical courses to train for green jobs

    More women could take electrical courses to train for green jobs

    Women have been told to study engineering and science-related qualifications in order to secure green jobs, which could increase take-up of electrical courses. Damien Dallamagne, founder of management consultant Innergic, told delegates at the Promoting Green Jobs: Ministerial Conference that women are ideally suited to such work, as they are able to multi-task. He explained […]

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