October 2010

41 Items
  1. Solar water heating could lead to greater interest in plumbing courses

    Solar water heating could lead to greater interest in plumbing courses

    An environmental expert has predicted that the popularity of solar water heating could be set to rise, which could inspire more technicians to take plumbing courses. Renewable Energy UK representative Neil McNiven claimed that this sustainable energy generation technique could compete with fossil fuels in terms of price. In his view, the use of solar […]

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  2. Heating Control Rules Change In New Version Part L Building Regs.

    Heating Control Rules Change In New Version Part L Building Regs.

    As of October 2010, the new version of Part L of the Building Regulations came into force, updating the 1995 requirements for new and replacement heating systems. Incorporated within the new rules are stipulations for both a zone valve and a room thermostat to be fitted to new system heating zones and all radiators installed […]

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  3. Electrical course attendees may be required for green installations

    Electrical course attendees may be required for green installations

    Technicians who have completed an electrical course relating to green technology may be needed more in the future, if one industry commentator is correct about a new trend in the construction sector. Anwar Harland-Khan, chief executive of Sustain Worldwide, claimed that a premium will soon be placed on properties that incorporate environmentally-friendly techniques and devices […]

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  4. Plumbing courses could be more profitable than other qualifications

    Plumbing courses could be more profitable than other qualifications

    An online source has suggested the jobs achieved by people who take vocational training such as plumbing courses can often lead to better salaries than other more conventional qualifications. This is the view of Iampav, who posted a reply to an Independent article on the newspaper's website, saying that vocational education has in the past […]

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  5. Plumbing courses 'may promote loyalty'

    Plumbing courses 'may promote loyalty'

    Sending employees on work-related training such as plumbing courses could encourage them to feel a greater sense of loyalty to a firm. This is the view of Sarah Clover, a spokesperson for notgoingtouni.co.uk, who described vocational qualifications as being a great way for companies to ensure their staff have the right knowledge. Training such as […]

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  6. People on electrician training courses may find work at Olympic Park

    People on electrician training courses may find work at Olympic Park

    Olympic Park in London is set to be redeveloped after the Games in 2012, which could mean there are job opportunities for workers on electrician training courses in the future. Lord mayor of London Boris Johnson announced that the area will be renamed Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and will feature new homes and facilities. The […]

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  7. More apprenticeships could lead to greater interest in plumbing courses

    More apprenticeships could lead to greater interest in plumbing courses

    A recruitment expert has suggested companies could benefit from arranging more apprenticeships, which may lead to more attendees on plumbing courses. Shagufta Mustafa, a spokesperson for the National Apprenticeship Service, pointed out that such programmes will see people trained in areas that employers need staff. This suggests that an apprentice could be studying vocational qualifications […]

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  8. Birmingham solar power plan could boost electrical courses

    Birmingham solar power plan could boost electrical courses

    Birmingham City Council's plans to install thousands of solar panels at local homes and business could result in a sudden surge in the number of people opting to take electrical courses in the area. The local authority revealed earlier this week that it intends to fit photovoltaic panels in prime locations across the suburbs of […]

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  9. Swindon scheme could boost plumbing courses

    Swindon scheme could boost plumbing courses

    People who have taken plumbing courses could find their services increasingly sought-after if a new scheme launched by a Swindon branch of Tesco is a success. According to the Swindon Advertiser, several local firms have joined forces with the retail giant for the new Tesco Home Services scheme, which will allow customers to use the […]

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  10. PV Solar Panels Heat Up The White House

    PV Solar Panels Heat Up The White House

    Hot on the heels, as it were, of recent news that the Prince of Wales has installed 32 solar photovoltaic panels on the roof of his London residence, Clarence House, comes the announcement from the Obama administration that the White House will be installing a mix of solar thermal and photovoltaic panels, spring 2011, which […]
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  11. Boiler issues may mean more work for people with plumbing course qualifications

    Boiler issues may mean more work for people with plumbing course qualifications

    Engineers who have completed a plumbing course could have more maintenance work ahead, after a statement from uSwitch.com. The website's director of consumer policy Ann Robinson urged people to sign up for boiler insurance products that include a safety check, since this ensures they will not be taking any chances with their health. This may […]

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  12. High speed rail could be good news for people on electrical courses

    High speed rail could be good news for people on electrical courses

    Workers currently studying on electrical courses may see new employment opportunities as a result of a proposed high speed rail link in the UK. Policy advisor for the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce William Rogers claimed that up to 12,000 construction jobs could be created if the project connecting London and Birmingham goes ahead. In his […]

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  13. You are viewing 36 of 41 news