May 2012

29 Items
  1. Become a carpenter

    Become a carpenter

    If you are looking to change your career or add to your current skill-set then taking one of the many carpentry courses available could be just the right move. Carpenters are increasingly in demand within both the construction industry and private sector. With roles that range from installing kitchens and hanging doors to building bespoke […]

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  2. Beat the recession by becoming a plumber

    Beat the recession by becoming a plumber

    If you are considering a change of career or wish to add to your current skill-set, becoming a plumber could be the right move for you. In the current challenging economic climate the plumbing industry perhaps offers more job security and demand than many other career options. Undertaking one of the many plumbing courses that […]

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  3. Why learning DIY skills really matters

    Why learning DIY skills really matters

    Most of us spend our early lives working towards the goal of getting a good job, earning a decent wage and living a comfortable lifestyle. But whilst we are slaving away at maths and English or sitting accountancy exams, we tend to forget that learning practical skills can be just as useful and valuable, if […]

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  4. How to update your construction skills

    How to update your construction skills

    Construction techniques and materials are constantly developing and the main driving force these days is the need to be more environmentally friendly and energy efficient. There are some exciting innovations around at the moment in the fields of renewable energy and recycling and there is a constant demand for people with the relevant skills and […]

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  5. Installing solar panels and other renewable energy systems

    Installing solar panels and other renewable energy systems

    Whether it is the sight of a new wind-farm on the horizon or a rash of solar panels appearing on nearby roofs, you cannot get away from renewable energy these days. Of course, it makes absolute sense to reduce your own energy bills and to help cut carbon emissions by going green and the UK […]

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  6. Why decorating courses are so popular

    Why decorating courses are so popular

    Just think, for a moment, how useful decorating skills are, not only in your own home, but also as a lucrative source of income. Small repairs and decorating jobs around the house, such as painting, wallpapering and fixing shelves can be sorted in a jiffy. With the right skills you can give your own house […]

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  7. Have you considered carpentry as a career after leaving the army?

    Have you considered carpentry as a career after leaving the army?

    Finding a job after coming out of the army can be tricky, as the civilian workplace is a very different environment. Being amidst the cut and thrust of office politics, where disrespecting your superiors is elevated to an art form, can be a shock to the system. A desk job can also be extremely frustrating […]

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  8. Gain electrical qualifications to improve your skills

    Gain electrical qualifications to improve your skills

    These days, most trades demand that you keep up to date with your skills, learning about new developments and making sure you maintain good working habits and stay safe. Electricians have to be very careful in their work and a careless slip can mean serious injury or even death, so it is essential that you […]

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  9. Brush up on bricklaying

    Brush up on bricklaying

    Whether you want to extend your DIY skills or are already working in the construction industry, it is worth looking at bricklaying courses. Improving your practical skills is a great idea and comes in handy if you want to build a garden wall or make repairs to a fireplace. It can also save lots of […]

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  10. Why not retrain as a tiler or decorator?

    Why not retrain as a tiler or decorator?

    Have you ever admired the way a professional tiler creates a layer of perfectly lined-up tiles that disguises even the lumpiest walls, or the way a decorator applies a flawless coat of paint to fiddly window frames without getting any on the glass? At the same time, you have probably experienced a sharp intake of […]

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  11. How to avoid plumbing disasters

    How to avoid plumbing disasters

    Ever heard the story about the exploding pressurised water tank, or the washing machine that gushed gallons of soapy water all over the floor? There are so many things that can go wrong with modern plumbing systems and this is why a fully qualified, experienced plumber is worth his or her weight in gold. The […]

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  12. Fantastic Feedback for Able Skills

    Fantastic Feedback for Able Skills

    FEEDBACK - 18/05/12John Wade - Attended the Introductory To Electrics CourseI feel that this course does not need to make any initial improvements as the training given was thorough and informative. The tutor managed to deliver the course in a very professional manner and also incorporated an element of fun to the program.Scott Taylor - […]
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